Clickability – A Disability Service Directory Making a Difference


The Clickability Website Set to Launch in NSW Soon!!

What is Clickability? It is an Australian disability service directory website which features ratings and reviews from the people who actually use the services. The site lets you find out about services, share your experiences and connect with others about issues that matter to you!

Why Clickability Was Started? Founded in 2014 by two passionate social workers, Jenna and Aviva. The core goal was to develop a cooperative and empowering Australia for people with disability, supported by relevant, reliable services designed around consumer needs. Jenna and Aviva saw a need for there to be more public facing information about services, especially with the NDIS rolling out from state to state.

Aviva and Jenna both worked as social workers for PWD and were frustrated by the lack of information available for people with disability and their carers. They were unhappy with the inconsistency of disability services and hearing stories from people not getting the right service provided for them and feeling powerless to help. People with disabilities were putting up with things that would not be accepted in other industries across Australia. The time for change had come.

As the NDIS evolved Jenna & Aviva loved the principles it brought with it of choice and control over what service providers people could choose from. Inspired by websites like Trip Advisor and Choice and how they had made a big difference in consumer rights and supporting/motivating businesses to succeed and provide quality services. So why not for disability services? The dream had been born, Aviva and Jenna put in their own money into creating a website and tested it over 9 months in the NDIS trial areas of Geelong, Victoria. The Clickability site has now been rolled out across the state of Victoria and is made up of a fantastic team of people who have lived the experience of disability. They are the heart and soul of Clickability and have volunteered their skills to see it grow throughout Victoria and have made it now possible to expand into NSW.

How Clickability is Influencing the Disability Industry?

Like Trip Advisor, the website features consumer ratings and reviews, as well as a blog that shares a number of unique and personal stories. The reassuring discovery is that, although the Internet is rumoured to be a hub of negative criticism, an analysis of the site demonstrates a staggering 87% of reviews submitted are positive endorsements of a service provider. More than a quarter of reviewers also credited their service provider with directly assisting them in achieving positive change. Consumers appear genuinely enthusiastic about recommending their favourite providers to others or assisting organisations to better service their needs.

Consumers also want to be the agents of social change, the Clickability blog features a number of articles ranging from topics of improving access, becoming ready for the NDIS, finding employment, and even approaching online dating and other social activities. Service providers have also submitted articles, primarily concerned with how to achieve best practice & adapt to the ever changing needs of people with a disability, whether as a sole trader or as part of a larger organisation.

The NDIS will prove to be a monumental shift in the provision of disability services within Australia; the Clickability site is already seeing consumers take centre stage in recommending service providers and writing stories about their experiences. The NDIS has made this possible and we see our role as collating all the reviews that ensure a consumer’s right to choice, control and helping service providers not only adapt to clients needs but be recognised for the great services they are providing.

If you are a Service Provider in NSW and would like to join the site please register now on our website as we prepare to roll out. We also support Service providers in how to collect feedback through a variety of mediums, using our site to connect with clients and using reviews constructively to improve and expand services.

If you would like to write a review about a service provider please visit our review form: – and once we go live in NSW it will be published.

To contact Clickability for anything else or to join the mailing list head to the Clickability Website contact form.